And disaster comes
Oh, my soul Oh, my soul
When waters rise
And hope takes flight
Oh, my soul Oh, my soul Oh, my soul
Ever faithful
Ever true
You I know
You never let go
You never let go
You never let go
You never let go
When clouds brought rain
And disaster came
Oh, my soul Oh, my soul
When waters rose
And hope had flown
Oh, my soul Oh, my soul Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul
Oh, what love, oh, what love
Oh, my soul
Fills hope
Perfect love that never lets go
Oh, what love, oh what love
Oh, what love, oh what love
In joy and pain
In sun and rain
You’re the same
Oh, You never let go
So basically, if you haven't bought the new David Crowder cd, Remedy... i don't know what you're waiting for. Another amazing album by dcb... his lyrics are always powerful.
It's kinna funny that this entry is called Remedy considering my last one was Exhausted. I'm not going to say that God came in and cleaned up everything that's going on right now... (I've pretty much learned that that's not really how He works)... but He has given me peace. I love what Anne Lammot said, "God isn't there to take away our suffering or our pain, but to fill it with His presence." There's nothing more comforting than to know you're not alone... and I so often forget that God is right here with me... he's hurting with me. Because it's not like he's never experienced pain... I mean He took on the weight of the entire world... all our sin... He experienced death... He had to experience darkness for us... He had to experience "the abscence of God" in a sense... so that we never have to.
I am not alone. You are not alone. He is the Remedy. He's the cure to your pain... to your suffereing... to your hurt. Not because He necessarily takes it away... but because He's there.
He's there.
And he never lets go.
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