Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Helpless. Hopeful.

my hope is weak and this night has been so long
and the sounds of injustice are all around
i feel so powerless standing against it
who am i to try to resist this wicked machine?

but as i look around i see my family by my side
and with one voice we lift our hands to the sky
in defiance to this broken system
in hope for the New World
where injustice does not prevail and evil is not a career

and i know my hope is not in vain
no matter how small my strength or quiet my shout
every bit of hope, of faith, of love is not wasted
because even the smallest victory lights up the night

maybe not today or the day after tomorrow
but Redemption Himself will come
on that day everything changes
and this broken world is made New

i came across this poem and i am very encouraged by it. because it is easy for me to look at the immense brokenness of this world... by seeing the enemy at work everywhere.. from my school to the streets.... to see all this evil and feel so helpless.

i feel helpless when i talk to a friend who has completely lost touch with God and now lives a life lacking any sort of meaning because they say they "simply don't care enough".

i feel helpless when i read and hear about all the corruption and fighting and poverty in Africa.. a place where death is so rampant my entire high school would die off in 3 days.

i feel helpless when a homeless man gazes deep into my eyes with tears running down his dirty face and tells me his devastating story and pleads with me to promise i will stay away from drugs and alcohol cause if not i "will end up like him"... and i don't have words to give him.

i feel helpless sometimes... but i am always encouraged when reminded that my hope is not in vain and that Christ will one day create a new earth like the scriptures say in Revelation. And on that day i will rejoice with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Suffering will be no more. Pain will be no more. And injustice will cease.

Here's Gary... the homeless man I was talking about it. He's awesome.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Weird but Wonderful.

Ad showed me this a few weeks ago.... i feel like it's worth posting.

I wish whoever made this hadn't mixed the videos.. i think it takes away from the beauty of this re-make.

But check it out.. and love it.

Friday, February 15, 2008

I Need You.

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
//Romans 8:26-28

Such a beautiful scripture. Thank you Nadia. But more importantly.. thank you Jesus.

Sorry that I don't have more to say... but I've done enough talking lately. I'm just allowing the Lord to hold me and be all that I need.

Because He is.


and he's all you need.
and so much more.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


I really liked this.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Mercy is Falling.

Wow... sorry it's been so long. So much has been going on.. I really haven't been able to process it all... but the good news is that most of it is amazing things God has been doing.

I've really been trying to refocus lately. I realized a few weeks back that I haven't been doing a very good job on taking care of some internal business. I find myself talking to others about God and spending time thinking about God-related things... but not participating in my own personal time with Him... the time I owe to Him so that He can show me my flaws.... the time I owe so that He can bring to the surface my sins and my issues.. but also the time I owe so that He can renew me and give me the word I need to get past those harmful things... and the time I owe so that I can get closer to the One I love... the One who loves me more.

So... I've made it a point to be in the Word more... a lot more. And really soak it in... really LISTEN. And then really live it. It's not easy... but my attempt and effort at this has brought me all the more closer to Him.

Just have to share this real quick... me and my friends Matt and Seth went down to Dallas today to a wonderful place called Mercy House. I got the opprotunity to meet and talk with some truely beautiful people.. most of them homeless. We had breakfast and lunch and in between a worship service... in which the Spirit of God completely engulfed. Good old fashion gospel singing and some amazing good words. I cannot wait to go back. The couple who run Mercy House are amazing godly people with huge hearts. They are the kind of people that are concerned all and only about the Father's kingdom... the kind of people that are living out His word... the kind of people that love Him with their lives.