Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Da Word.

The bible is so crazy... like the other day Amanda showed me a whole chapter in 1 Corinthians she seemed like we had never even read it before. It was like God straight talking to her... like He just wrote it down. The living Word of God foreal.

And yesterday, I was going through the Old Testament and there were little books in there I've never even looked at. I'm really excited to start studying the O.T. because I don't read it as much as I should... and I'm pretty sure it's important.. I mean it's the bible Jesus read right?

It's kinna funny... the other day, someone at school told me that her teacher wouldn't let her read her Bible during our "designated reading time". The teacher told her she had to read a novel. I would have loved to ask her teacher some questions...

"Ok what.. so you want me to read some Nora Roberts romance novel? Well, actually the Bible is full of romance. In fact, it's the greatest love story ever." Or... "Would you like me to read a murder story? Well, the Bible includes one of the most brutal types of murders in history.. Crucifixion on a cross." Or maybe... "Should I read a mystery novel? Well, the Bible includes the greatest mystery... one that is still unsolved. The mystery of how God could love me and you, sinners, so much that He would die for us."

I have to say though... I do agree that the Bible is not just a novel... no it's definitely far more than a good book you read from beginning to end and then add to your bookshelf... like I said before it's the living Word of God... it's alive in our hands. We hold such a power... and so many times I forget that God's Word.. his voice to me... is right here in my grasp. Ephesians 6 calls it our sword. No wonder that teacher made my friend put her Bible away... no weapons allowed at school right?

1 comment:

Angie Lessard said...

Amen, sister!! Your words are more powerful than you realize...