Tuesday, September 18, 2007


The word embrace...it makes me think of things like intimacy and real love and close relationship. There's nothing like a true embrace with a close friend... And i think it's quite beautiful that the bible talks about God embracing us.

And God has really been showing this to me lately... I talked about some of this at Breakfast Club today.

See in Luke 15, the parable of the prodigal son, it describes the father's reaction to his son returning home. It says in verse 20, "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him." He threw his arms around his son... he embraced him. And that is God to us. Standing.. waiting.. ready with arms outstretched to embrace us. All we have to do is choose to fall into his arms!

It's taken me up until very recently to completely be vulnerable enough to fall into His open arms. Seems crazy right? Why wouldn't I want to dive into the Lord's welcoming embrace... I guess the same reason a lot of Christians don't... Fear.

I don't know but it kinna makes me think of the "trust fall"... you know that stupid activity we all have to do at some kind of camp or as some sort of team-building activity. Yea, I hate it. Because during that split second between leaning back and landing in the arms of the group... I am certain that I am going to die. I mean my body is limp and I know I have no control what so ever... which is beyond scary to me. But once I hit the arms of my friends... I realize I had nothing to be worried about.

And that's what God has finally allowed me to do... to not rely on myself.. but to give it to Him... give my entire self to Him. And it's something I have to do daily... every morning I wake up and I have to remember to die to myself... and sometimes.. most of the time.. it's hard. But like I've said before.. once I allow myself to be captured by the love of God... once I am wrapped completely in His embrace... i know there is nothing better.

I long for His embrace more than anything in this world.

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