Wednesday, January 14, 2009

turkey and grace.

my good friend anne had me and a friend over for dinner and a movie a few nights ago.
she grew up in turkey
her parents were missionaries there for about 12 years
having house church...
and drinking turkish tea.

so we ate a legit turkish dinner.
complete with lentil soup
cucumber tomato salad
and later...
tea and tea cake.

take me to turkey.

then we watched the movie in which anne has been convinced that i will not be complete until i see it... amazing grace.  i have to say, it definitely became one of my favorites.  a beautiful film exhibiting the story of ending the slave trade in the british empire.  an incredible look into the hard fight of a handful of revolutionaries fighting for social injustice... never relenting until change happens.

sweet quotes from the movie.  go see it.  if you've already seen it, go see it.  again.

"no one of our age has ever taken power."
"which is why we're too young to realize certain things are impossible.  which is why we will do them anyway."

"it seems to me, that if there is a bad taste in your mouth, you spit it out.  you don't constantly swallow it back."

"God sometimes does His work with gentle drizzle, not storms.  drip.  drip.  drip."

"though i have lost my memory, two things i know.  i am a great sinner and Christ is a great savior."

1 comment:

T. Hill said...

I was great with "Amazing Grace" until the bagpipes burst in during the credits. I guess being in a pipe band, nothing yells out cheesy more than the most overplayed song.

Yet it was a phenomenal movie otherwise!