Thursday, January 1, 2009

ano nuevo.

new years day.

fresh start.
blank slate.
turning to a new page.
new commitments.
a re-do.
do over.
try again.

january 1.

its a big day for americans i guess.
it's 2009 let's do this!!
all this enthusiasm.

i heard a lady on the radio last night say that she was gonna make some hardcore new years' resolutions... and she was gonna make sure she watched oprah first... so i guess she could get REAL motivated.

then this morning, my brother bust in the front door "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  I AM NO LONGER A SMOKER.  THAT'S RIGHT I'M NOT A SMOKER ANYMORE... STARTING TODAY!  I CAN DO THIS!"  he was smiling from ear to ear.  which makes my heart rejoice.  i'm very excited for him.  he said he already gave away his whole pack.  and he is chomping away on the nicotine gum.  its awesome.  and everything within me prays this time will be for real.

i just wonder though... why january 1?
i mean isn't this the gift of grace...
a re-do
fresh start
his mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning.

if we live by grace...
everyday is another chance to break chains
to be set free.

cause see, we all know there is this slight loop hole with resolutions.
they dont work.
we can't do it.
we need help.
if we would only admit this and swallow our pride.

grace is what we need.
the beauty of the christian faith is this paradox.
this idea that we are declared as righteous when we accept grace...
we get a new identity.  we become saints.
but we are still screwed up... we still fall short of our "new year's resolutions".
simul iustus et peccator.
so we trust in jesus in our flesh...
and as we fall more and more in love with him
we are progressively sanctified
advancing toward godliness
gradually becoming the name we have already been given

i pray we start each day knowing in our hearts 
believing in our being
and living in the assurance that
we are accepted.

"looking outward in faith and claiming the wholly alien righteousness of Christ as the only ground for acceptance, relaxing in that quality of trust which will produce increasing sanctification as faith is active in love and gratitude..."  
-Richard F. Lovelace

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