i think i have learned more this year than any previous year.
i feel like paraphrasing my year list style.
- i really began to learn what true godly relationships/dating look like.
- i experienced a new level of closeness and intimacy with the Father... beginning with hearing Him say "you are my child"... a moment i will forever cherish with Him.
- i found Mercy House in dallas... a homeless outreach ministry. a group of people i now consider family. jesus changed my life in that place and through those people.
- jesus softened my heart... and i felt brokeness in a way i never had... for the lost and the oppressed.
- i went through a horrible exhausting time of legalism... but was reintroduced to GRACE. and it was all the more beautiful.
- i faced one of the most difficult events of my life... one of those "is this really happening?" moments. i felt betrayed. i felt shock. i felt anger. i felt bitterness. i felt sadness. i felt confused. i got really mad... at a lot of people.
i grew. a lot. and i am freed from bitterness. and i am grateful that jesus let me fall on my face and feel my desperate desperate need for Him.
7. i went to Kenya. (and from this i could write a book) in short, jesus rocked my face off. africa forever has one of the pieces of my heart that broke off when my world shattered there... in a good way. i only hope to one day return to my brothers and sisters there... the people who taught me more in two weeks than i've learned in years.
8. i went through a rough stage with america. i got pissed. i was sick... at the culture, war, politics, "the american church", materialism, suburbia, rich people, consumerism, complacency... i was sick. full of cynicism and dare i say, hatred. i refused to say the pledge. i got frustrated hearing about soldiers. i got angry when i saw the american flag in churches. i argued with friends and others. and i turned into a self-righteous judge. and i thought this was the third way... the way of jesus. but i was adopting my own way... and it lacked love.
i'm thankful to say jesus convicted me. and he freed me. i have a new understanding. one that is not satisfied with the way things are... but one that allows me to love those that are hard for me to love... one that allows me to vote... one that allows me to be grateful for my country (although i'd rather not live here forever :) )
9. i graduated high school... a long-awaited day.
10. i moved to atx... and started my first semester of college.
11. met beautiful friends and found an incredible body of believers
12. watched god's transforming power as my previously atheist roommate fell absolutely in love with jesus christ.
13. felt confirmation on god's calling on my life... to be, in some way, shape, or form, with the physically poor. (still patiently waiting on specifics)
14. made a 4.0 in my first semester of college.
bring it 2009.
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