Wednesday, December 31, 2008
words can never say the way he says my name.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
+ and -
- lifetime fitness gym... i miss my barbell class and all the other perks that come with the uppity fitness center.
- silence
- free food
- springcreek
- a kitchen to cook in
- the back patio
- my best friends in the world
- cafe brazil
- mercy house
- gooey's frozen yogurt
- the village
- my family
- catching up with old friends
- i am allergic to garland... or my dog.
- the immense lack of cool coffeeshops
- having to have the conservation with every 1 in 3 people i run into about why i'm not playing ball
- the boredom that comes with the comfort of suburbia
- having to drive everywhere
- missing my friends/community in austin
- holiday family-wide sickness
- waiting
- my room
- run-ins with awkward people
Sunday, December 28, 2008
a year in the life.
- i really began to learn what true godly relationships/dating look like.
- i experienced a new level of closeness and intimacy with the Father... beginning with hearing Him say "you are my child"... a moment i will forever cherish with Him.
- i found Mercy House in dallas... a homeless outreach ministry. a group of people i now consider family. jesus changed my life in that place and through those people.
- jesus softened my heart... and i felt brokeness in a way i never had... for the lost and the oppressed.
- i went through a horrible exhausting time of legalism... but was reintroduced to GRACE. and it was all the more beautiful.
- i faced one of the most difficult events of my life... one of those "is this really happening?" moments. i felt betrayed. i felt shock. i felt anger. i felt bitterness. i felt sadness. i felt confused. i got really mad... at a lot of people.
roots and reflection.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
the gospel.
matt chandler layed out what the gospel is the other day... so i just want to share it.
the triune god (three persons in one: father, spirit, son),
in perfect harmony
and out of an overflow of love,
birthed forth creation (all other creation narratives believe that the universe was birthed in angst out of a power struggle between gods)
and god creates everything to have a higher purpose,
everything is meant to create gratitude that flows out of our hearts into worship for his name (food we eat, marriage, sex, wine…).
but sin enters into the world and fractures creation and our relationship with god (causing those things: food we eat, marriage, sex, wine… to terminate on themselves and become insatiable, losing their taste.).
THEN god, in his ferocious holy love,
comes as a man and lives perfectly… sinlessly until he is arrested, beaten, and murdered.
and in his crucifixion,
all the requirements of the law are fulfilled for those who would believe,
and all the wrath toward sinners is absorbed in jesus Christ.
he goes into the ground.
three days later, god raises him from the dead. (the resurrection is the objective evidence that the law is fulfilled and all the wrath of god is spent.)
so that, if we would believe and place our faith in Christ and him alone as the forgiver of our sins
and we would repent,
we would have full life here on earth
and eternal life in our perfect union with god.
Friday, December 26, 2008
the curse.
may my love reach you all.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
an infant.
Monday, December 22, 2008
a funnel for this passion.
psalm 9:18