Friday, January 4, 2008

O His Love.

I just finished Redeeming Love... such a good read. Very different from the books I usually get into... but I'd definitely recommend it. Such a beautiful love story... not only between a man and a woman (a woman whose very hard to love at that).... but more importantly, the love story between God and his child. I, like the main character, a prostitute, turn away and turn away from God and go back to my old ways. And yet, My Father's love is unfailing... unconditional... redeeming.

The book ends with this....

"Love the Lord your God,
And love one another.
Love one another as he loves.
Love with strength and purpose and passion
And no matter what comes against you.
Don't weaken.
Stand against the darkness, and love.
That's the way back into Eden.
That's the way back to life."

I love it.

1 comment:

MEl :) said...

I am glad you find my blogs to be encouraging! makes writting them all worth it!
Take care!!