Friday, August 22, 2008

the center.

Well i cannot believe the day has finally come... I am moving to Austin tomorrow morning.  i am so excited to be thrown out of the comfortable normalcy of my life in Garland.  Leaving beautiful friends and the support i have from them and accountability is no fun.  But i have faith that my time with them has only been to strengthen my walk with the Lord for a time such as this.  Thank you friends.  I owe you my life.

I'm going to go ahead and write this... i pray it doesn't happen... but i need to write it as a reminder to myself.  The temptation in a place like Austin... for me at least... is not the parties or craziness or blatant sin... but it's a matter of motives.  Getting caught up in the "cool factor", as lame as that sounds.  It is feeding the homeless because it's what any cool bohemian austin hippie would do.  It's going to a church because they do trendy things.  It's sacrificing time with my precious Jesus to read a book (maybe even a "christian" book :o).  It's wearing clothes with a peace sign on it because that's what everyone wears.  

All these things are not necessarily "bad"... but the reason for doing them is NOT Jesus.  O the tricky ways of the enemy.  I am about to be thrown into a battle.  I must be aware and ready.  I must not let these backward motives sneak in.  It must always be about Christ.

Jesus at the center
of it all.  

1 comment:

Angie Lessard said...

Meghan - congrats on your move to will be truly missed in Garland by lots!! I will continue to keep you in my prayers and hope to keep up with you through your blog, email or whichever other way we can.

You are such an amazing example of a young woman with much love for Christ and it radiates in you. Show Austin how Meghan rolls! :)