Tuesday, April 1, 2008

ALL of it.

so i talked with an old friend last night... she started telling me the things God has been showing her and teaching her. There was something she said that I've heard before many times but never dug into... she said we should glorify God in all that we do.

sure.. i know this. but there's a certain little word that i tend to overlook... that word is ALL. glorify the Lord in ALL, everything, each and every single nook and cranny of me life. Now what does that encompass? well... food, sleep, work, school, speaking, clothes, relationships... all these things should be glorifying to God in my life. i know this might sound mundane.. but this is one of those things that is for the first time actually penetrating my heart.

This reminds me of a beautiful truth Rob Bell highlighted... he said that it is rather ridiculous when christians ask another brother or sister, "How is your spiritual life?"... as if we have our "normal life" here and then our "spiritual life" over there.... as if God is in this one area I have made for him and the rest is just this life I must go through... as if things are only spiritual part of the time. But the reality is everything is spiritual. ALL we do is spiritual. And when we think about things this way... God becomes very present in every second of our lives. Suddenly some daily action like driving a car is no longer just an ordinary practice.. it is beautiful. I dont mean that we must be deep and intellectual 24/7 and take everything way too seriously... definitely not. But we must do one thing.. and that is realize that the Lord wants to be an intimate part of every aspect our lives... every action we perform, no matter how "nonspiritual" it seems to us. Everything is spiritual because God is in every moment.

Now that I've begun to acknowledge this.. really acknowledge it...Everything looks different. And its become my joy to glorify God in all I do. I am beginning to experience this joy through things in my life that i never even considered.

1 comment:

T. Hill said...

Hey Meg, I was browsing through Facebook, and then to people's pages and found you through MatT.

You're right. Everything we do should be spiritual. It's kind of like what Keith said today that if you are doing something, anything, and can't justify God while doing it, then it's not worth doing. And I absolutely love driving around in silence and talking to God; that's the best time for me actually.

I remember something you said a while about getting rid of your possessions, your clothes and donating them to the needy. I think I'm going to take a page out of your book, as I've been thinking of that a lot lately. I've also been reading Shane Claiborne too, and that has definitely influenced it too.

Have a good one Meg!
