A team of myself and 6 others from the Austin family are headed to South Asia in January. God spoke to my friend Lauren Nanson in 2009 about a small unreached nation near India and Nepal. We had vision to go into this nation and plant churches among the unreached peoples of this nation. We have made 2 trips since 2009 to the region. The first trip was a preparatory trip, where Papa set us up with divine connections in the region. On the second trip, we did a Student CPx with 41 students from this nation.. equipping them in church-planting. Both trips were crucial, BUT we have yet to set foot in this nation. This 3rd trip is finally the time for us to see the original vision God gave us realized!
This January, we will be meeting up with the students we trained last year in their nation this time! Then we will take students with us and go into villages... to the unreached! We will be focusing on discipling the students along the way, so that they can follow up with these villages and live a lifestyle of the discipling others!
We long with Papa's heart for the peoples of this Buddhist nation to know Jesus!!
I am telling you this to ask you to please consider partnering with us financially and/or in prayer. Because of the $250 per day visa cost, this trip is unusually expensive. But we are putting our faith in Papa! Our goal for raising the funds is Nov 25, next Friday.
If you would like to pay online, you can go to http://www.intentionalgatherings.com/blog/donategive/ (click "SE Asia team" from the drop down menu)
If you would like to pay by check, make checks out to Intentional Gatherings and send to:
Intentional Gatherings
7211 Bethune Ave.
Austin, TX. 78752
If you would like to pray for us, please email me and let me know.
Check out this video. Three of us share about our trip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hRgq7BBtO4&feature=player_embedded