Monday, November 15, 2010

Our first love..

God has really shaped our community here in Austin this semester. In the aftermath of SCPx Austin this summer, our spiritual family so desired to see new communities like ours birth! We wanted more than just one student house church... we wanted the love to spread. And it finally felt like the time had come. We felt as if we were all equipped to GO and do it.

So we made some changes and started the semester with a strong "sent out" mentality. As one of the shepherds, I really tried to steer things the "right way", always pounding home the apostolic mission any time we would meet together as a family. We deeply desired to see new disciples, more miracles, new churches, more baptisms, and all of these glorious things that Jesus has set out for all of His kids to take part in.

Over the course of the semester, however Jesus began to bring our family back to His heart. It was as if we were the church in Ephesus and we had received a letter from Jesus commending us for our hard work, but reminding us of the true prize, namely Him.

"I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance... You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first." Revelation 2:2-4.

After a good and somewhat messy family chat, our hearts began to join together to love Jesus and love each other. Revelation of the Gospel began to hit us deep (and has been ever since). It has brought true freedom, individual heart healing, refinement, closer family bonds... and funny enough, the sprouting up of new communities, new disciples, and powerful moves of the Spirit.

I have watched students at UT this semester "get it" by no convincing/teaching, but simply because they are encountering God. I have been humbled hearing of students encountering Holy Spirit within their own sphere of influence without ever even setting foot there to "make it happen". I have been humbled witnessing friends (never going through a day of formal church planting training) get God's heart and "strategy" (better known as LOVE) for the lost.

Don't hear me wrong... I believe in training. My heart longs to see new disciples made and new churches planted. I get so excited talking about how God is moving on college campuses... how new communities of faith are birthing! I celebrate and laugh when I witness or hear about signs, wonders, and miracles happening each day. I love everything Student Church and SCPx is about. I love equipping others to do the same.

But as much as these beautiful things make me giddy and excited... I have come to realize more than ever that it is Jesus is who truly makes me come alive! It seems like such a blatant truth, for He is the author of life indeed. But it is the one truth that the enemy is so threatened by if the family of God GETS IT.. that he will do anything to twist the focus.

I am at such peace now knowing that our family has its eyes on our first love. I am confident that He is taking care of everything else... and that HE is the one building His church.

Our family is not defined by the fact that we do "house church" or "simple church". Or that we heal the sick and cast out demons. Or that we multiply, multiply, multiply. Our family is defined by our absolute infatuation with our first love. And Holy Spirit seems to lead the rest! :)

Also, posted this on Great place to stay connected with other student church planters.