there's a name for what that girl was doing... WORSHIP. she was worshipping our Lord. i think we probably hugged 4 or 5 more times within those 5-10 minutes and i was bummed when she left... i had just encountered Jesus in that girl. it was beautiful. and encouraging as heck.
me and a friend had been talking about worship about an hour before our encounter with our new friend. we were discussing how worship is something you just cannot contain... worship is our response to what Jesus has done for us... a response. our actions should reflect this. we should lift our hands and stand on our tip toes because we want to get closer to Him. we should fall to our knees in awe of this Mighty God because we are so undeserving yet so loved. we should dance and sing and yell out joyously from the depths of our soul.
we should bear hug people we don't even know.
because jesus is that sweet.
"and the cry of my heart is to bring You praise
from the inside out, O my soul cries out Lord."